Gracias a Dios fue otro viaje misionero cumplido; Desafiante y muy emocionante como los demás. Visitamos varias comunidades indígenas Quechuas pobres en las montañas del Departamento de Potosí, donde compartimos muchos regalos y sobre todo compartimos el mensaje fundamental de que Dios es único y grande y que siempre está con cada uno de nosotros; Hablamos de su gran amor y de su obra, todos estaban atentos e interesados, muy especialmente en la exposición de los títeres y las canciones; En los tiempos recreacionales fue muy divertido y alegre, que requería mucha energía de parte de los niños y niñas, quienes disfrutaron de estos juegos con mucho entusiasmo ya que en estos lugares no tienen este tipo de recreaciones o diversiones.
Realizamos varias caminatas de varias horas para llegar a hogares y comunidades; El clima frígido, la lluvia y el granizo fue nuestra compañía de todos los días, estas circunstancias no impidieron para cumplir nuestro propósito; Ver a las niñas y niños muy felices y sorprendidos por todo lo que estaba aconteciendo fue maravilloso y gratificante.
En estas regiones montañosas, áridas y frías la obra evangélica es muy incipiente y en algunas no existe, la mayoría de los habitantes son animistas y con creencias católicas muy enraizadas que provocan acciones contrarias, muy negativas y discriminativas hacia un cambio de una vida cristiana real.
En el mes de Noviembre pasado, cayo un rayo a una mujer de aproximadamente 40 años, que pasteaba a su rebaño de abejas, ella murió instantáneamente por el impacto, quemada, dejando huérfanos a 6 hijos. Esta mujer era una cristiana líder junto a su esposo (Félix) de una pequeña congregación que existe en su comunidad, algún tiempo atrás donaron ellos mismos un terreno de su propiedad para que se edificase una pequeña congregación hecha con adobes (barro); A consecuencia de esto la comunidad exigió al esposo a dejar su creencia en Dios, ya que para ellos era una desgracia y para toda la comunidad y retomara las costumbres y tradiciones ancestrales, y realizara todas las costumbres para el entierro de su esposa; Actualmente Félix continua firme pese al rechazo de la comunidad.
En otra de las comunidades visitadas quedamos muy sorprendidos al ver a un niño de 10 años de edad que algunos días atrás había sufrido también la caída de un rayo quien estaba muy mal herido con quemaduras de 2do y 3er grado en un 40 % de su cuerpo y una audición de solo un 10% aproximadamente. La mamá viuda con varios hijos no creyente, no permitió entrar a nuestro equipo misionero para ayudarle, debido a que el brujo de la zona había mencionado que no debíamos entrar; Gracias a Dios me permitieron entrar como parte médica y a mucha insistencia, ofrecimos nuestra ayuda incluso de llevarlo a un hospital a la ciudad, esperamos un día pero se negaron recibir esa ayuda, tomamos las medidas correspondientes con otro personal de salud del municipio paraqué fuera y convenciera que su tratamiento era de urgencia e intra hospitalaria.
Así como esas historias se repiten casi siempre, hay ocasiones donde puedes encontrar y ver el rechazo, injusticia, discriminación y a veces expulsión de su propia gente hay comunidades que pueden quitar sus tierras e impedir que llegue el agua para ellos, porque simplemente son creyentes; Pese a su necesidad ellos se aferran a sus creencias
Gracias a Dios ya estamos en nuestros hogares, recuperados de un viaje duro pero muy bendecido, cansados pero con la satisfacción de haber cumplido nuestro propósito en el Señor. Agradezco a todo el equipo misionero que puso todo de si, sin reservas y mucha alegría. Algo de notar en estos viajes que realizamos que no somos los más preparados para estos eventos, pero Dios en su gracia nos da su fortaleza y protección, y los devocionales diarios que lo realizamos y creedores de su palabra todos nosotros nos dispusimos a estar confiados y ser guiados en fe bajo su soberano plan.
Este Verso es nuestro y te lo dedicamos a ti como agradecimiento de tus oraciones y apoyo incondicional.
En Cristo
Su servidor: DJ.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Giving thanks and remembering our brothers and sisters in Potosí
Dear friends:
THANK YOU for your prayers!
We're still recovering and processing from our week in Potosí. It was beautiful and fun, and it always takes me a while to unwind afterwards. There were so many times that I thought, "I really hope someone is praying for us right now because ___ feels so impossible right now". Seriously! So between sickness, hailstorms, rain, long hikes, unexpected changes in plans, etc, we felt the hand of God and His favor upon us.
It was a great week, and I'm still recovering! An extra bonus praise was that I got my new camera and battery right before the trip--to be able to capture just a bit of the beauty that we experienced. God is so sweet and kind to remember those little things too! Pray for me as I seek God's direction in decisions, and how to encourage and assist in my spheres of influence here.
Our TEAM was fantastic! I loved watching everyone plug in and help where needed, encourage when able, and finding unique ways to bless others. I continue to be confident that God really does hand pick each member every year. Keep praying for them as they continue to process the week. It feels like it happens in fast forward, so it will take some time to balance it all out.
L-R: Selenia, Madei & Donalto, Eliana, Eduardo, Christina, Chochy, Raquel, Jesael, Ruth, Fernando, Rosy, Neymar & Jhonny, Kristen (Not pictured: Katie). |
The KIDS were such a joy! We loved (as always) the chance to play with, share with, and teach. Pray that God's word would continue to work in their hearts. And that in spite of the short time we were with them and the language struggles we sometimes encountered that God would give them understanding of who He is, and their need for Him.
Kids in Kharimayu Tomas Frias. |
Kids in Cienegoma. |
We travelled with DONALTO who is like an itinerant pastor. He lives in the city with his wife Selenia and daughter Madei. He travels 2 weeks out of the month to several communities in the mountains and spends 2 weeks in the city with his family. Donalto is from one of the communities in the mountains close to one of the ones we have visited in the past. It's a great help to have him to speak in Quechua-and his understanding of the culture and circumstances is so much greater than we ever will have. Pray for him as he follows up in the communities and continues to witness and disciple there.
Donalto and our bus driver Jhonny. |
The CHURCHES continue to struggle and grow. A lot of the families shared struggles in the community with lightning. Pray that this draws them closer to the Lord. One particularly sad incident was a 13 year old that was struck, we offered to take him to the city for treatment (it was serious) and the parents refuse because he is being "treated" by the "curanderos" (Healers).
Primo and Lydia aksed for prayer for varios trials they are going through. They've had some lightning hit close to home-literally and ask for protection. |
Some of our favorites from the church in Huayk'u Mayu |
Continue to pray for JORGE and his involvement in the communities and that the work would be one that is beneficial to the growth of the believers and a help to individuals and communities (long term).
Thursday, December 18, 2014
El equipo de Potosí de 2015
Saludos a todos!
Me hace alegre tener el privilegio presentar el equipo de Potosí para el 2015. Siempre digo que el Señor escoga cada persona que va, y este año es el mismo! Estoy feliz por los queines han decidido ir, y será un grupo diverso, aunque la mayoria son de Bolivia. Les pido que por favor oren por nosotros. Hay unos otros interesados, y pido que oren por ellos también. Si queiren apoyar el equipo o ayudar a comprar regalitos para los niños, avisenme, y les daré más información.
Me hace alegre tener el privilegio presentar el equipo de Potosí para el 2015. Siempre digo que el Señor escoga cada persona que va, y este año es el mismo! Estoy feliz por los queines han decidido ir, y será un grupo diverso, aunque la mayoria son de Bolivia. Les pido que por favor oren por nosotros. Hay unos otros interesados, y pido que oren por ellos también. Si queiren apoyar el equipo o ayudar a comprar regalitos para los niños, avisenme, y les daré más información.
El doctor Jorge es de Potosí y recibió el Señor cuando estaba estudiando para ser Doctor en Sucre. Fundó Red Vida de Esperanza después de involucrarse en un ministerio de médicos quienes viajaban a lugares alejados, y reconocieron las necesidades físicas y espirituales.
Eduardo vive en Cochabamba aunque trabaja mucha en la selva. Es mecanico y ha participado en tres viajes a Potosí con nosotros. Siempre ha sido una gran ayuda.
Cristina ha vivido en Bolivia por un año y medio. Trabaja con niños y esta muy agradecida poder compartir Cristo con ellos. Ella está anticipando la oportunidad compartir el evangelio con los niños de Potosí más.
Cristina ha vivido en Bolivia por un año y medio. Trabaja con niños y esta muy agradecida poder compartir Cristo con ellos. Ella está anticipando la oportunidad compartir el evangelio con los niños de Potosí más.
Cristian: "actualmente estudio Ingeniería Financiera en la UMSS y trabajo en "ITM" (International Tribal Ministries). Trato siempre de mostrar a la gente el amor de Dios a travez de mi vida". (Cristian also plays the guitar.)
Katie es de Colorado pero ha vivido en Cochabamba hace 6 años. Toma clases en el seminario, pero su responsabilidad primaria es ser profesor en un centro de apoyo escolar. Recién recibió su licencia de manejar. Es tía orgullosa de Matias, también!
Jesael está estudiando ingeniería en la universidad en Santa Cruz. Está involucrado de lider en OANSA en su iglesia y ha sido muy animado de esta viaje--tambien a invitar a todos! Es su primer viaje a Potosí.
Ruth es de Santa Cruz, "estudio psicologia y lo que mas me gusta hacer es cantar leer y crear".
Raquel es hermana de Ruth y está en la universidad también. Está involucrada en su iglesia y eso será su primer viaje a Potosí.
Raquel es hermana de Ruth y está en la universidad también. Está involucrada en su iglesia y eso será su primer viaje a Potosí.
Kristen. Será mi noveno viaje a Potosí pero nunca me canso del experiencia. Estoy agradecida por la oportunidad viajar otra vez a ver que está haciendo Él allá. Me encanta compartir con ellos de Dios, y ver a los líderes de la iglesia y los cristianos crecer en su relación con Dios.
Introducing: Team Potosí 2015
Greetings friends!
I’m pleased to introduce to you our team for 2015! I really do believe that God handpicks our teams each year...and this year I’m really excited about our team. It’s a diverse bunch of people even though all but three of us are natives of Bolivia! I’m praying for these brothers and sisters, and I ask you also to Please, PLEASE, PLEEEEEEASE pray for us. :) There are a few others that are still on the fence for one reason or another so I ask you to pray for them too. If you would like to help buy donations or help team members that need funds to pay their way please let me know. I’ll be happy to get more information to you. We will be gone for a week the beginning of January.
Without further ado, here’s your team (subject to change--hopefully only additions!!):
Dr. Jorge is originally from Potosí and received the Lord while in medical school in Sucre. He started Red Vida de Esperanza after he began visiting rural communities and seeing the physical and spiritual needs.
Eduardo is from La Paz but has lived in Cochabamba for many years now. He is a mechanic, three time alumni of Potosí trips, and is a huge help getting teams where they need to be. He currently working in the jungle and returns weekends to help at his church here in the city.
I am Christina, I have been living in Bolivia for the last year
and a half ministering to children. I love this beautiful country and
it's people so much and feel so blessed to have the opportunity to
share Christ's love with the children of Cochabamba everyday. I am
looking forward to this trip and the the opportunity to share Jesus
with even more of God's precious little ones in Potosi.
I am Christina, I have been living in Bolivia for the last year
and a half ministering to children. I love this beautiful country and
it's people so much and feel so blessed to have the opportunity to
share Christ's love with the children of Cochabamba everyday. I am
looking forward to this trip and the the opportunity to share Jesus
with even more of God's precious little ones in Potosi.
Cristian lives in Cochabamba and is finishing up his college degree in accounting. He works for International Tribal Mission and enjoys the opportunity to travel to various communities that they work in and help as needed. He attends an international church and plays guitar.
Katie is from Colorado and has lived in Cochabamba for 6 years now. She is taking seminary courses on the side, but her main role is as profesora at an after school program in a community on the outskirts of town. One of her big accomplishments this year has been getting her bolivian drivers’ license and a car! She is also proud aunt of Matias!
Jesael is studying engineering at the university in Santa Cruz. He is involved in OANSA (AWANA) at church and is probably the best person I’ve met yet at inviting people to go on the Potosí trip-even though he hasn’t gone yet! For that I hope it’s a super experience for him.
Kristen. This is my 9th trip to Potosí and I’m so thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to travel once again. I love the time to see what God is up to even days away from the city and so far from the comforts it provides. I love to share with the kids from the Word of God, see the church leaders so eager to learn, and experience a culture so very different from my own.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
North of Potosi...a detour

Kallie quickly endeared herself to the hearts of the ladies from Potosi becasue she was so excited to eat the potatoes they served!
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
July 2014 Potosi Team
This year we are doing something a little different... Previously we've gone to a different village nearly every day, seen lots of kids, but not had enough time with them (*though we will probably always feel like we don't get enough time with them!) Well we've brainstormed and decided that rather than taking money and buying toys, we will buy food and invite them to come to a central location and stay for a few days for a Bible camp. It's exciting to get to share more of the story of God's great love through creation, Old Testament stories, and finally the arrival of a Savior to redeem us. Plus we'll do lots of games, songs, skits, memory verses, etc.
We have a smaller team than the last few times, but that's okay! We have lots of kinks to work through and I believe we have just the right people to do it! Without further ado, I present the July Potosi Team!
Kallie has been living with her husband in Cochabamba, Bolivia for the past year. She worked as a fifth grade teacher at Carachipampa Christian school and will be working this next year with various community development organizations in Cochabamba. Kallie has been pulled toward missions for as long as she can remember, participating in missions trips to Cuba and across Canada while she was in high school. Kallie went on to pursue missions during university where she majored in Global Ministries and undertook a four month internship in Bolivia in her last year. After getting her degree, Kallie spent two years at two different jobs that each compliment the work she does in Bolivia. As a youth leader in a multicultural church located in the core of Montreal, she gained further experience in youth leadership and serving in a cross-cultural context. Her second position was with a face-to-face fundraising organization who perform contract work for NGOs such as Doctors without Borders, UNICEF, and Plan. The company also arranged for her to do a six month internship with Oxfam. Through the posts she held, Kallie was able to hone her administrative and managerial skills while becoming well acquainted with the non-profit world.
Hi, I'm Abby and I currently live in Cochabamba. I grew up in midwest USA, but moved to Bolivia after graduating college to work as an elementary teacher at Carachipampa Christian School. I have loved every bit of my year in Bolivia thus far and am excited to expand my experiences to Potosi. I absolutely love working with children and can't wait to share the love of Christ with those we meet on our trip.
Laura graduated from the University in December with a degree in Social Pedagogy. She loves going to Potosi and enjoys helping plan for and hosting teams while in Cochabamba. She is currently working as a tutor for several students and seeking direction as to where the Lord will have her serve.
EDUARDO (*pictured on left)
Eduardo is a mechanic works in the jungle (Chapare). He helps with his youth group on the weekends. This will be his third trip to Potosi.
Kristen is in training for full-time, long-term cross cultural ministry. She is finishing up at a training center in Santa Cruz, and then Lord willing, will stay on and work in Bolivia to help see unreached people reached with the message of the Gospel.
Jorge is a doctor and is originally from Potosi. He speaks Spanish and Quechua and is learning a few other languages too. He travels to these communities often, and is patient and gracious enough to invite us to come along and help! He, along with a few others, founded Red Vida de Esperanza (Life of Hope Network) that we help through various fundraisers and short-term trips. It is a joy to serve alongside of this man who loves the Lord and loves these people.
Please PRAY for us as we are traveling, figuring out what we are doing, teaching, and trying to stay healthy. We love the opportunity to serve in this way--and to represent those of you who cannot go. (*But know that you are invited to join us next time!).
We have a smaller team than the last few times, but that's okay! We have lots of kinks to work through and I believe we have just the right people to do it! Without further ado, I present the July Potosi Team!

Hi, I'm Abby and I currently live in Cochabamba. I grew up in midwest USA, but moved to Bolivia after graduating college to work as an elementary teacher at Carachipampa Christian School. I have loved every bit of my year in Bolivia thus far and am excited to expand my experiences to Potosi. I absolutely love working with children and can't wait to share the love of Christ with those we meet on our trip.

Eduardo is a mechanic works in the jungle (Chapare). He helps with his youth group on the weekends. This will be his third trip to Potosi.


Please PRAY for us as we are traveling, figuring out what we are doing, teaching, and trying to stay healthy. We love the opportunity to serve in this way--and to represent those of you who cannot go. (*But know that you are invited to join us next time!).
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
"It all started in Bolivia" (Katie writes)
This is copied from Katie's blog...this is a follow up of what God was doing in her guest post in January and where He's brought her since then...
I went to Bolivia in January for a 10 day mission trip. Upon the return trip, my flight was full and the airline offered me a $500 flight voucher plus accommodations at a 5 star hotel if I would return to the US a few days later. I said 'Of course!' and was happy for a 2 day retreat and also a little bit of extra time with my sister who hung out with me when she wasn't visiting her friends a few miles away at Etnos (New Tribes' mission center in Santa Cruz).
During those two days, I was alone for a good bit of it and enjoyed the time alone with God. I was reflecting on a week of growing in the Lord and being challenged by a very godly team who I had just parted ways with. During that time I pondered my life. Who am I? What is God's purpose for my life? What is my next step?
I didn't have any answers at that time. I began praying for a way to serve and for an opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone, into a new place where I have to trust God. Where I get to experience first-hand that He restores lives. Because in America, I am realizing that often we don't 'need God'. We can live life, fulfill our 'dreams', be successful and its all based on our hard work. But I don't believe that is what He has in mind for His followers.
As I read the Bible, I see the disciples caring for the poor and devoting themselves to the gospel. I don't see that in normal life. I don't see that in my life. I prayed for a change of heart. I prayed that I would be able to serve those who need it. I began hoping that someone would need help, ask me and that I would be able to fill that spot. You see, I am blessed. Ridiculously blessed. I have an incredible family. I was able to pay off student loans and car loans so I have no debts, I have no bills. My health is good. I have people who love me and would support me if I was called to go.
God asked me why I was keeping it all for myself when there are people elsewhere who have none of those things. I have been given much. That means much is expected of me, right?
So I surrendered my car to Him, my money to Him. My time--which is something I hold to very tightly--to Him. He is Lord of my life and sometimes a Lord tells you to give up things for the good of His kingdom. Since I love Him, and want to love Him more, I slowly and somewhat reluctantly began to give those things to Him--if He wanted them. You see, kings don't always ask their subjects to give everything up, just sometimes when they are needed. Not all men are always drafted to go fight for their country, but sometimes, they are needed and they are called to go. And they do.
I realized that God had given me a desire to be a mother--actually, I wanted to be a mother since I was still a small child. I would play dolls with my sisters and we would each have as many kids as we could (we would find stuffed animals, baby dolls, whatever we could) to see who would have more kids. I guess that's what coming from a large family does to you.
I asked God why He didn't take away that desire when it was something I wanted so badly, but it was something that it didn't seem like He would fulfill in the near future. And I felt like He gently said, "I am not going to take it away. I gave it to you for a reason. I want you to love and nurture kids, even if they are not your own. You can love and care for children who need a mother." I said, ok. When you put it like that it makes perfect sense.
So I sat down and thought about my life. What do I really want? If I could have any type of work/ministry, what would I want it to be? So I made a list:
So I sat down and thought about my life. What do I really want? If I could have any type of work/ministry, what would I want it to be? So I made a list:
I want to work with underprivileged kids in a long term relationship and I want to be able to share Jesus with them.
I decided to pray for all of these things and that I would accept a job/mission if it fulfilled this list.
Guess what...
Guess what...
See what happened next!
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